Indrocorp – Randy Blott, Director of Business Development

Indrocorp is happy to have MAVAN Backyard Venture Fund (MAVAN) as a capital partner. From our initial meetings and through their due diligence, we enjoyed working with Laine, Rex and their team. Due diligence is never easy and every firm has its process. For us answering MAVAN’s structured written due diligence component allowed us to detail the people and the purpose of the company, not just the market opportunity, not something many firms cover. The only other company I’ve encountered to look that profoundly besides MAVAN is one of the longest operating venture capital firms in the United States. For Indrocorp, our past and future success are qualified by those who believe we can continue to front-run our industry with high standards, global reach, and market speed. MAVAN clients will be pleased with the investment results.